Xinhua Commentary: U.S. needs to honor commitments with actions to improve ties with China
BEIJING, June 20 (Xinhua) -- Sincerity, rationality and actions are needed on the part of the United States to improve the China-U.S. relationship, which is at the lowest point since its establishment.
During U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken"s two-day visit to China, the two countries worked to avert the downward spiral of their relationship and bring it back on the track of stable development.
When meeting with Blinken, Chinese President Xi Jinping said the world needs a generally stable China-U.S. relationship, and whether the two countries can find the right way to get along bears on the future and destiny of humanity.
Xi urged the U.S. side to adopt a rational and pragmatic attitude, work with China in the same direction, remain committed to the common understandings he and U.S. President Joe Biden reached in Bali last year, and translate the positive statements into actions so as to stabilize and improve bilateral relations.
China always hopes to see a sound and steady China-U.S. relationship and believes that the two major countries can overcome various difficulties and find the right way to get along based on mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation.
Blinken said the United States stands by the commitments made by President Joe Biden, namely that the United States does not seek a new Cold War, it does not seek to change China"s system, its alliances are not directed at China, it does not support "Taiwan independence," and it does not seek conflict with China.
All countries should honor their commitments in international relations. China respects U.S. interests and does not seek to challenge or displace the United States. In the same vein, the United States needs to respect China and must not hurt China"s legitimate rights and interests. The U.S. should stop playing up the so-called "China threat," lift illegal unilateral sanctions against China, stop suppressing China"s scientific and technological advances, and stop interfering in China"s internal affairs.
With a due sense of responsibility for history, for the people and for the world, the two major countries should and can find the right way to get along. It is good for both countries and the whole world to bring their relations back to a track of sound and generally stable development. The positive energy, certainty and opportunities from that could be infinite.
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