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2023-06-23 10:43:28    来源:网络


7,Aleko denied taking it and led Dimitri into his back-yard. It was true that he had just bought a lamb, he explained, but his lamb was black.

lead vt.& vi. 引导,指引,其过去式和过去分词均为:led, 现在分词是:leading


e.g. He led us to his home. 他把我们领回家。

It is true that..., but... 诚然......, 但是......

e.g. It is true that the work is hard, but we’ll finish it ahead. 虽然很难做,但是我们会提前完成的。

8,Ashamed of having acted so rashly, Dimitri apologized to Aleko for having accused him.

Ashamed of having acted so rashly ... 其前省略了being, 现在分词结构(形容词结构)做原因或伴随状语,放在主句前后均可。

e.g. Angry at everybody here, he left suddenly.

e.g. Anxious for a quick decision, he called his friends.

apologize to sb. for sth. 因某事向某人道歉

accuse 指控

词组: accuse sb. of sth. 指控\指责某人

e.g. The police accused him of murder. 警方指控他谋杀。



